2927. RUINING HER INNOCENCE14 May, 20246942ShareTHIRD PERSONOverwhelmed with shame, Ayesha clenched her eyes shut and allowed her body to relax completely. She had truly gone blank, as her whole body trembled from what had just happened.6942ShareDownload the free Stck Reader appanshiik2@anshiik1FollowFollow anshiik2 On Stck Readeranshiik2's stories, at your fingertips as soon as they are published27. RUINING HER INNOCENCETHIRD PERSONOverwhelmed with shame, Ayesha clenched her eyes shut and allowed her body to relax completely. She had truly gone blank, as her whole body trembled from what had just happened. Delightful Reading Experience Experience stories by anshiik2 in a whole new light Good morning anshiik2MeLiyaSee allDiscover One Home for All Purchases Pick up stories where you left off and discover new stories Write a comment ...Postanshiik2Show your support10 Support Me Recent Supporters
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