I was trembling in HIS arms, pinned between him and the wall, feeling completely trapped. His hand covered my lips, silencing any protest I might have had. The rush of fear flooded through me as I sensed a strange smell, unmistakably alcohol. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks; He was drunk.

My intuition proved correct as his actions became erratic, driven by some elusive emotion reminiscent of that fateful night. Panic consumed me as he drew nearer, his lack of control terrifying me. With a surge of adrenaline, I pushed him away and fled, my heart racing as I bolted up the stairs to safety.

Breathless and sweating, I collapsed into the room, grappling with the shock of the encounter.

"Who was that intoxicated stranger, towering over me?" Disgust churned in my stomach as I recoiled from the memory of his foul odor, staining the air.

The lingering scent of alcohol continued to assault my senses, making me feel queasy. I hurried to the bathroom, my hand pressed against my mouth, desperate to rid myself of the nauseating smell. Standing before the washbasin, I turned on the tap, letting the water flow over my hands before splashing it onto my face, hoping to wash away the remnants of the unsettling encounter.

"A dog in this house, oh God! How will I ever cope?" I muttered, struggling to compose myself.

After some time, feeling somewhat refreshed, I emerged from the bathroom. Gazing at my mother's photo on the table, a pang of loneliness washed over me.

"I miss you, Mamma! Look at how lost I am without you," I whispered, seeking solace in her memory.

Engaging in a one-sided conversation with my mother's photograph for a moment, I then retrieved my diary from my bag.

Writing had always been a source of comfort for me, a way to unload the burdens of my mind onto paper. With each stroke of the pen, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders, bringing me a sense of relief amidst the chaos.

Next Morning -

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my slumber at the sound of a gentle knock on my door. Rising from the bed, I crossed the room to find a woman dressed in servant's attire waiting outside.

"Good morning, ma'am! My name is Julia. Breakfast is ready downstairs. Would you like to join us, or shall I bring it up for you?" she inquired with polite courtesy.

Unaccustomed to such attentive service, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Nonetheless, I managed a hesitant response.

"No, it's alright. I'll freshen up and come down," I replied, watching as Julia nodded and departed.

Closing the door behind her, I leaned against it, feeling overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity of it all.

"Phew! Everything feels so different here. I wonder how long it'll take to adapt to their customs," I murmured to myself, trying to steady my nerves.

After some time, I readied myself and descended the stairs. Clad in a simple white T-shirt paired with a floral skirt, I had opted for a casual yet charming look. With my hair pulled up into a messy bun, I couldn't help but feel a sense of confidence as I joined the others for breakfast.

As I settled into my seat at the table, Julia graciously served breakfast before me. Feeling a bit uncertain, I hesitated before finally taking a seat. "Where's Mr. Mallik?" I inquired, curiosity piqued.

"He's out of the country for an important meeting, but he's expected to return soon," Julia informed me with a warm smile.

"And the others in the house?" I pressed further.

"Suhana baby and Armaan sir usually dine in their rooms. Their meals are delivered to them," Julia replied, offering insight into the household dynamics.

"Oh," I responded, slightly taken aback. As I reached for the spoon, I was surprised to find unfamiliar dishes laid out before me.

"What's this?" I asked, puzzled.

"Italian cuisine, ma'am," Julia explained.

"I don't eat this. Is there something else?" I requested, feeling a bit out of place.

"Certainly, ma'am. Would you prefer toast?" Julia offered.

"Yes, please," I replied, relieved. As I nibbled on the toast, I struck up a conversation with Julia.

"This mansion is quite grand, isn't it?"

"Oh, indeed, ma'am! It's vast beyond imagination. When I first arrived, it took me days to navigate its corridors," Julia responded warmly, her eyes lighting up with memories.

With a hint of hesitation, I voiced my desire to explore the mansion further. "May I explore the mansion? I have a fondness for antique interiors, and this place seems filled with them."

"Hey, don't give so much explanation, ma'am! Now this is your house, you can go wherever you want! But just leave that corridor!" Julia interjected, pointing towards a SPECIFIC DIRECTION.

Curious, I followed her gesture. "Why? Why not there?" I questioned, intrigued by her warning.

"Because That's Armaan Sir's Area! He Doesn't Like Anyone Going There Without His Permission," Julia explained, her words leaving me pondering.

"He seems quite reserved and strict," I remarked, contemplating Julia's description.

"Yes, Ayesha Ma'am! He Is Very Strict, Perhaps Even More Than That. He Remains Angry All The Time. So, My Advice To You Would Be To Stay Away From Him For The First Few Days,"Julia cautioned, her words instilling a sense of apprehension in me.

"You're scaring me! It's like he's not a human but a vampire!" I joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Don't take what I say lightly, Aysha ma'am! The day you meet Sir, you will understand for yourself. The staff here don't even dare to look up to him; everyone is afraid of him!" Julia's words carried weight, leaving me deeply intrigued by this enigmatic figure I had yet to encounter.

Finishing my breakfast, I retrieved a camera from my room, eager to explore the mansion and capture its antique beauty.

Lost in admiration of the artwork around me, I failed to notice as I ventured into VAMPIRE'S aka ARMAAN MALLIK'S designated area, against Julia's warning.

As I moved through the mansion, camera in hand, I stumbled upon a grand swimming pool. Suddenly, I heard a noise and instinctively hid behind a nearby pillar.

Peeking out cautiously, I spotted someone by the pool, their presence stirring a mix of curiosity and apprehension within me.


Although Ayesha could only see his back, it was enough to stop her heartbeats.

And she have no idea that the person she's stalking, is ARMAAN MALLIK.

Armaan was standing at some distance in front of her, wearing only boxers. His tight back, muscular body, and to top it all, an EAGLE TATTOO on his back. All these things were making him look dangerous and hot too.

Ayesha couldn't take her eyes off him even though till now she had not even seen Armaan's face and just by looking back her mouth remained open.

At this time, drops of water were dripping from Armaan's body because he was swimming. Ayesha kept looking at him without blinking an eye, but then suddenly Arman turned. Seeing this, Ayesha immediately hide herself behind the pillar once again and placed her hand on her fast beating heart.

She stood hidden like this for some time but after some time she again slightly stuck out her neck and this time saw that the place was empty. Ayesha was surprised to see this.

"Where did he go so fast?" She said to herself.

She looked at two or three other places but did not see Armaan anywhere, so she slowly came out of that pillar and then went straight to the swimming pool and stood looking for Armaan, but by now she was sure that he was gone. And this made Ayesha's face dropped.

She herself was not able to understand why she was so tempted to see that unknown person.

At this time, Ayesha was standing facing the swimming pool when suddenly she heard a very loud voice in her ears.


On hearing this voice, Ayesha's heart stopped beating and as soon as she turned, her foot slipped in panic and she fell straight into the pool.

And there he was, Standing in front of the girl, whom he had spent day and night searching for had appeared.

Here, Ayesha was restless in the pool, which made it clear to Armaan that she did not know how to swim. Seeing this, Armaan took a deep breath and then jumped straight into the pool.

Within a few moments, Armaan came swimming near Ayesha and he put one of his hands around her waist and pulled her very close to himself.

Here Ayesha, taking deep breaths, tightened her grip on Armaan's shoulders and got scared and hugged him to his chest.

The wet bodies of both were stuck to each other. And Armaan, he kept looking at Ayesha's face.

His eyes went to the drop of water dripping from Ayesha's face which was traveling down her neck till her Breats. Those trembling lips of Ayesha, on seeing which Armaan went crazy.

A strange intensity had developed between them, which heated up Armaan's body despite being in water.


Insta id@annshi_here

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