That girl, who spent her night with Armaan's arms, ran to her apartment, immediately closed the door, and the next moment clung to the door and cried bitterly.

"What have I done!" She pulled her hair and immediately went into her washroom.

She took off her clothes and as soon as she took off her clothes, a scene appeared before her eyes which made her heart ache.

There were teeth marks all over her body and hickeys at various places. Seeing this, she started feeling disgusted with her own body and after turning on the shower, she started rubbing her body like crazy.

While rubbing, her entire body had turned red but it was not so easy to get rid of those marks from her bo.dy. Who knows how long it took for her to come out of the bathroom.

Her face had turned red from crying, at that very moment the landline in her house rang and she came to her senses, wiped her tears and took a deep breath and then picked up the phone, "Hello!"

"Ayesha, are you okay? I have been calling you for so long, why are you not picking up my call?" Her friend Nitya said from the other side.

Ayesha Mukherjee. A lovely, 19 year old girl who was completely happy in her world . Ayesha was beautiful and very innocent , But she had never imagined that one day his life would take such a turn.

"I'm fine!" Somehow Ayesha said.

"You are coming to college today, right?" Nitya asked the question.

"No! I am not feeling well today, I will not be able to come!" Ayesha said.

"Are you okay Ayesha? I don't feel like your voice is right?"

"I'm fine . I'll call you later!" As soon as she said this, Ayesha disconnected the phone and fell face down on the bed and once again she started crying.

Her crying was obvious, after all she had lost her virginity and that too to a man she did not even know.

Till today she had saved her first kiss for the most special person in her life, whom she lost yesterday. She was now started to feel disgusted with her own body but now she could not change the fact that what happened last night had now become a dark truth of her life.

Other Side -

Armaan was currently present in a room in anger and some men were standing in front of him with their heads bowed.

Then Arman angrily threw a file in the men's face and shouted, "You all can't find a girl ? None of these girls you have shown me is the one I am looking for."

Then a man said, "Sir, We have given you the details of all the girls who had checked in at that hotel ."

Hearing this, Arman immediately came to his guard, yanked his collar and said, "I want that girl. I don't know how you guys will find her, but I WANT THAT GIRL GOD DAMMIT"

Armaan said with emphasis on each word and seeing his anger, his guards standing there were left in shock.

"O-Ok sir! We will try our best to....."

Then Armaan once again shouted, "Don't Just try!! Results, I want Results!"

"Yes sir! We will find that girl!"

Hearing this, Armaan pushed the guard back and said, "Now Get Out!"

On his order, they all immediately left from there and as soon as they left, Arman picked up a glass vase kept on a table and angrily threw that vase on the ground.

His face was burning with anger at this time, "Wherever you are, I will find you!"

As soon as he said this, Armaan started laughing like crazy.

Other Side -

At this time Ayesha was sitting near the dressing table, she was wearing a white colored churidar which had full sleeves because she had to hide those teeth marks present on her body. Although she had stopped crying, the glow on her face was still missing.

Then once again her landline rang and she was shocked to hear its sound.

She picked up the phone and suddenly someone's nervous voice on the other end reached her ears, "Miss Ayesha? Please come to the city hospital immediately, your mother has had a serious accident"

On hearing this, Ayesha's body went limp. The phone slipped from his hand and fell on the ground.

Within no time -

Ayesha reached the hospital in disarray and went to the reception and asked, "Sir, Sarika Mukherjee? Where is she admitted?"

The receptionist told her the room number and after a while Ayesha reached near the room when she saw a doctor to whom she said "Doctor? My mother?"

Hearing this, the doctor said in a troubled voice, "Her condition is very serious, it is difficult to say anything right now."

Hearing this, Ayesha's body went limp.

And at the same time, many people came to that hospital wearing black clothes, they were wearing black court pants and they seemed to be someone's bodyguard, then suddenly A Person With A Heavy And Attractive Personality Came Forward From Among Them, Whom Ayesha Immediately Fell In His Arms And Tears Came From Her Eyes.

The man came near Ayesha and held her cheeks and said, "Don't worry Ayesha. Nothing will happen to Sarika"

Hearing this, Ayesha started crying and she hugged that person's chest in distress.

The man hugged Ayesha and started caressing her head, then he looked at a doctor and said, "You spend as much as you can for the treatment, but nothing should happen to the patient."

The Man seem to be very influential.

All the doctors immediately came into action and while caressing Ayesha's head, the man said, "Take care of yourself Ayesha, I will not let anything happen to Sarika while I am there."

This person's name was SHARAD MALLIK, Whose age was around 50 years and he was one of the powerful people not only in India but in the whole world.



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